As a child, I have always
Been #SuperACTiVE. I
would get hurt, or
injured. My dad would
Use some Chinese ointment
as he padded, and felt
for anything off. He'd
squeeze and tug then
shake and finish with
by patting it down.
He'd say with a Super
Confident smile:
"Done! All good now,
shake your limb, move
around, do de circle
You should feel better
Just like that, on some
"Mr. Miyagi" Magic.
I really was better!
This was my introduction to
magical chi healing, and body
alignment, readjustment.
Fast forward in my 20s, I took
Wing Chun from Sifu Chris Chan
Of SAn Francisco, USA Wing Chun.
His assistant Sifu Mark Barqua,
took my younger brother and I
under his wing. He showed us
And performed back readjustments.
He also showed us Chi Gong and
special training after his
outdoor group class in the park.
I grew up watching Wong Fei HUNG,
and a ton of Hong Kong Martial
Arts Films.
"With Great Powers,
comes great #Responsibility!"
- SpiderMAN
It pains me as a Master & Healer
to see suffering. What's the
point of having knowledge as
healer and doing nothing with
it! A #TrueKungFuMASTER can heal.
As a #LightWorker, it's my Moral
Duty, calling,& Passion to uplift,
educate, empower, and uplift
#HUMANITY! 1 person and pupil at
a time, as the universe presents
or sends to me.
Health is super important.
You can age horribly or
Go #BeyondGracefully !!
I take the injured and make them
into #SuperHEROES.
I can teach them technique & guide
them, but they need to warrior up!
And always push themselves and put
in the work!
"Knowledge is Not ENOUGH,
You Must APPLY!!"
- Bruce LEE