A #LightWorker is:
A #CosmicBeing that has taken
An OATH to UpLift HUMANiTY in
Human form.
They pick the parents that they
are Born into so that they can
Experience New Things,
Understandings & LESSONS.
The #Challenge is their MEMORY
has to be whiped clean inorder
to Fully Experience this
ONCE you Realize that you are
a "Light Worker", #TheUNiVERSE
amps Up it's speed!
Lessons learned, need to be
#Applied immediately.
As you #MasterYourself & start
to Realize & Discover Control
of Your Abilities...
Things will Start to
#Manifest Quickly.
It's now A RACE to unlock all
of your POWERS &
to BE at your
Most LightWORKERS have a lot of
ADVERSiTY, because one needs to
Understand fully the darkness
and Deep Dispare and
before they can
& SHiNE the #TrueLiGHT
of #AbsoluteTRUTHS!!!
2 set #HUMANiTY FREE...~
From #TrueSuffering &
To new
Hence #iNSPiRE!!
"Be the CHANGE you wish to SEE"
"The Only Limitations we have,
Are those we set for ourselves"
-Bruce LEE
The Light Worker destiny is
within us #ALL!!!